Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 -- A Clean Slate

Happy New Year! 2008 and a clean slate--isn't this wonderful?

So, here we are, joining together in our goals for exercise and nutrition, and maybe weight loss or maintenance. As I write this, most of those who have expressed interest in this blog are writers facing the downside of our passion--hours and hours in front of the keyboard. Many of us writers have day jobs, too, and often those are sedentary.

As time goes on, more people will join us. People who aren't necessarily writers. But, writer or not, most of us nowadays face nutrition and exercise challenges. It's long been in the press that we have a problem with obesity in this country. So, whatever your occupation, if you're here to join with others to be part of a solution, you are welcome.

If you haven't read my post of December 31, 2007, try to take the time to do so. There, I've asked some questions about how we should proceed. I'd love to hear your answers and other thoughts you have. I promised I'd post my own answers, so here they are.

Question 1: Sit back and close your eyes for a moment and imagine this is December 31, 2008. What dreams (or concrete goals) would you like to be able to say you've made come true by then? They don't have to be about exercise and diet, but it would be good to tell us how they connect to exercise and diet.
My answer: On December 31st, I'd love to tell you I've obtained an excellent literary agent to represent my works of fiction. I'd like to say I've tweaked my two novels to make them the best they can be, so I can proudly submit them to my agent. Since that will require untold hours sitting at the computer, I'd like to say I've been steadfast with my exercise routines, that I've maintained my current nutrition standards of minimal saturated fat and lots of vegetables and fruits. I also have goals for my "personal" life -- to be a good wife and mother, a good friend, a good sister and aunt, and to keep a good house. (Those last goals are more fully developed on my writer's website: www.ritastclaire.com.)

Question 2: On December 31, 2008, if you've met these goals or made those dreams come true, what will your life be like? What changes will you see?
My answer: I'll be full of excitement and energy. Having a great literary agent will tell me I'm on my way to being a published author. And, with the vibrant health and energy that come with good nutrition and exercise, I'll feel especially ready. Succeeding with my weight loss goal will make me feel really good about myself, and I'll love being able to wear more stylish clothes. For me, success with diet and exercise and success as a writer are linked in my mind.

Question 3: What specific challenges do you face right now?
My answer: I feel like I never have enough time to get everything done. Another problem is that once I get writing, I don't want to get up to do anything else, and that includes exercise! When I'm working fast and furious on a novel, or anything involving writing, I don't even want to take the time to eat right.

Those are my answers. What about yours?

I'll be back on January 3rd. At that time, I'll share some tips I've learned.

And, if you can make the time on this first day of the year, go for a walk. Inside your house or outside, even if just for five minutes. I'm going to do that. I'm getting off the couch today!

See you back here on January 3rd.

xo, ciao,



Wendi said...

My daily goal is to start each morning on my elliptical. If I make exercise the very first thing on my agenda, it will be hard to let other demands get in the way of doing it.
I'm an overachiever, (always the teacher's pet) so it really helps me if I feel like I have to be accountable. On that note, I may pop in here a lot and report that I've exercised (or not). Feeling like I have to report to someone will keep me on task. I can't stand to fall short of expectations. :D
As for your questions, Rita,
1)Next year at this time, I'd like to be a few pounds lighter. More than reaching a specific number on my scale, I'd like to feel good about the way I look. I also hope to have contracted at least one more novel for the year.

2)I would spend less time trying to find clothes that flatter me, and more time enjoying myself. I will be securely moving into the next phase of my career, and riding the wave of excitement and fear that comes with it. :D
3)Finding the time to be a good mother, a good wife, a good friend, and a good writer, with enough time leftover to take care of myself.

Happy New Year, and best of luck to everyone in reaching your goals.

Beppie Harrison said...

Great questions.
1. Would love to have published one of my books and have at least one more finished and another underway -- probably from the NaNo madness in November. Also would have located an agent I trust and work well with.
Would love to have lost 25 lbs. I'm now back as porky as I've ever been, which is irritating since it clearly comes from far too much hand-to-mouth action over the last couple of weeks. Dearest oldest daughter gave us an ENORMOUS Godiva box, and I think there are 3 levels left, which I simply have to ignore.
2. Being realistic, if I meet these goals I'll be very pleased with myself, but I can't see it "changing my life." Thank goodness my husband and my children love me thin or porky, which is the important part, and I don't think I have any friends who care a whole lot how much I weigh. As far as the being published part goes, I've been there before, so most people I know still think of me as "a writer," although they've had little proof of that recently. I know this time I'll realize that promotion activities are my responsibility -- before I was a big dummy and sat back for the publisher to do it, which by and large they didn't.
3. Specific challenges right now? Working out a standard of priorities so that I'm not letting one whole area go to grass because I'm wholly engaged on another. I need to stay in more supportive contact with my kids. I've been working on the principle that they're adult now and I don't want to be the kind of nosy mother that makes them roll their eyes when they hear my voice on the phone, and I think I've overdone that. When everyone was home over Christmas I had a chance to sit down with each of them (there are 4!) one way or another -- largely accidentally, as it happened -- and I realize they do care about what I think and sometimes want to use me as a sounding board to listen to themselves as they're making choices. So I'm going to try to talk to each of them at least once a week -- just briefly, if that's all they want then, but at least give them the opportunity to talk if they want to. The house is a total disaster at the moment, de-Christmased in part (at least the tree is down and part of the other stuff packed up, but far from all)and my temptation is to devote myself to that instead of being really ruthless about carving out some writing time. Haven't worked on that since early December, and I need to get WIP finished and submitted. School is starting and for one thing I need to put together my syllabus (instead of warbling away on this blog!) which was my plan for tonight. What I need to do is work out a schedule of how I'll fit all these time-absorbers together into something approaching a reasonable mix. Oh, and spend time with my husband. I really missed the one-on-one time we have when the kids are all gone. He's not a great talker, and when all the motor mouths are here, he's sitting back, watching them all with a big grin, but not saying that much.
So I want to give the poor man a chance to talk.

Anne Crawford-Clarke said...

Question 1
On December 31, 2008, I will pause to reflect about what a great year this has been in many respects. I will have taken my writing, my riding and myself seriously and will be basking in the afterglow of the being sucess of my career.
Question 2-My life will be more calm and peaceful, more balanced, as I will have acheived balance and order to fulfill that goal, or am in the process of doing so.
Question 3-Right now the biggest challenge I face is order. Discipline is perhaps the second biggest challenge.

Looking forward to a new year, and a new chance to reach these goals.
Thanks Rita.

Unknown said...

1) On Dec 31, 2008 I would like to be thirty pounds lighter and a whole lot fitter. I'd like to be looking at three completed manuscripts.

2)I hope I would feel competent and in control of my life. Happy that I've followed through on the things that are important to me.

3) Challenges? I procrastinate, waste time, make excuses.

Rita Horiguchi, writing as Rita St. Claire said...


It's very interesting that you've decided not to make your goals quantitative. My nephew and I were just discussing that the other night. He didn't make his goals quantitative, either, and in 2007 he lost SIXTY-TWO pounds!

I'm an overachiever, too, so I can really relate. I can't stand to fall short of my own expectations, either.

I'll be enjoying your move into the next phase of your writing career, and am so glad you are thinking of spending more time enjoying yourself. I'm going through the same struggle, too. Never enough time and so many wonderful things to do, including cherishing and caring for our family.

Yes, do post your progress every day, or as much as you can. I'll try to do the same.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful questions, Rita! I'll have to give them some thought. In the meantime, I wish everyone the best as we begin to reach for our goals in '08.

Rita Horiguchi, writing as Rita St. Claire said...

Hi, "Mom," a.k.a. Beppie! I'm glad to see your thoughts for 2008.

I'm with you on so many of them! To be honest, I, too, would like to lose another twenty-five pounds. However, I'm going to work hard to stay on my nutrition and exercise path and, like
Wendi is doing, not worry very much about the numbers on the scale.

Regarding your writing goals, I see you have some good, specific ones put together. You're already published, so you know what it is, and that will serve you well when your new successes come to fruition. You'll know how to handle it all even better than the last time.

I also connect with your desire to be available to your adult children while not being a pushy Mom. I'm now entering that league, with a nineteen year-old daughter who is so good, so competent, so wonderful! I'm trying to find the fine line between being stand offish and being an active support to her. Let us know how your weekly phone calls go.

And, yes, I see your time pressures. I think we all deal, in our own ways, with the "time absorbers," as you put it. Whether it's time for our writing, our families, our husbands, our jobs, the state of our houses, OR EXERCISE and nutrition, the self-help books all them them we have to make them a priority!

Yikes! When everything is a priority, aren't we back in the same boat?

As for me, I've come to the conclusion that consistency and (self) accountability are the key. During the Stanford study I was in when the computer called me, and then in a later study (more about that in a later blog), I worked in two different ways to achieve my exercise and nutrition goals. One way was to put exercise FIRST, to do it first thing in the morning. Then, my lifestyle changed, and I found it more effective for me to realize there were many times during the day I could exercise, not just first thing in the morning. So, then, flexibility combined with accountibility (reporting to someone) was key. So, I think there are many ways to play the game of reaching our health and writing goals this year.

Regarding the household, Beppie, do you know about www.flylady.net? If not, do check this website out. The owner's name is Marla. She's written a book about reaching our housekeeping goals, using the approach of baby steps. I'm a member of her website and I love it!

Beppie, it's great to have you here with us, and I hope you'll continue to check in and share.


Rita Horiguchi, writing as Rita St. Claire said...


What a lovely, peaceful, calm, and successful image I received as I read your post! I felt a particular warmth when I read that next December 31st you'll be basking in the glow of having taken your writing, your riding and yourself seriously. Such thinking certainly sets the stage for success in one's career and in one's life!

Balance, discipline, and order. Yes! I face these challenges, too. I think most people do, in these busy times.

I'm hoping we can support each other in all those areas here, especially as we can link them to exercise, nutrition, and our writing.

I look forward to your keeping us posted on your steps toward this wonderful vision.

And, do say more about your riding. That's good exercise, isn't it?


Rita Horiguchi, writing as Rita St. Claire said...

Annie Mac,

Lighter and fitter? I want that, too! And in their own words, Wendi and Mom (Beppie) said the same thing.

Keep checking in, and to not waste your valuable time, remember you don't have to read all the posts; you can simply skim them and focus on the ones you think will help you.

Making excuses and procrastinating? Try not to be too hard on yourself. Recently, I worked with an exercise counselor from Stanford University Medical School, and when I told her "why" I didn't exercise (reasons I merely considered procrastination and excuses), she helped me see I could use the "excuses" as opportunities to learn. She helped me not get mad at myself and instead got me to think about what caused my lapses. A light went on in my head and I saw that my exercise and nutrition progam had to fit into my personal lifestyle.

What happened after that realization? I designed a more flexible plan for me. This plan relied on my personal "tool kit," which I'll talk about in a blog soon.

I've developed the opinion that there are many ways to achieve weight loss, good exercise, and healthy nutrition. In a very real way, my "excuses" were helps along my path, and enabling me to see my own needs. Once I was able to see my own unique lifestyle and the needs it engendered, I was able to tweak my program so it would be easier to follow.

What I'm saying is that those challenges you mentioned--well, I think you actually can use them to help you along your path!

Glad you're with us, Annie! I have a feeling you're in the right place.


Rita Horiguchi, writing as Rita St. Claire said...


Once you've had time to think about the questions I've asked I'd love to hear your thoughts and answers. It's good to see you here.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rita,
I think this blog is great. Your questions made me think. I know I need to make some lifestyle changes, my doctor agrees with you on that. My first goal is to take that exit every day that lets me use my gym membership not just have it for show. I will also strive to pass up the fast food for dinner and eat more fruits and veggies.

As for writing I hope that by making a few changes in my lifestye it will be reflected in not only my writing but in my efforts to write.

Rita Horiguchi, writing as Rita St. Claire said...

Hi, Gin! Glad to have you with us.

Taking that exit to get you to the gym -- what a good idea! Good luck on that, and please "report" back to us and let us know how it's going.

"Declaring" oneself "in front of" others can be a real help, I think, because we'll be wondering how you're doing and hoping you'll let us know. That's one of the reasons I've started this blog -- for me as well as to help others. I figure I can't very well be running this blog if I go back to couch potato status, can I? Making a public statement of one's plans is a way of monitoring oneself.

If I can add something to what you've said, remember, too, that there are ways over and above the gym to increase your activity level. For example, for me last week, I was on vacation in Colorado where they had a big winter storm. Roads were closed and we couldn't get up into the mountains to ski until the very last day. What a disappointment!

Anyway, skiing was going to be my big activity last week and I could only do it once, but I felt very committed (starting this blog helped...:-) So I walked very carefully around my sister's neighborhood, in the snow, for about one half hour every day. I didn't walk as fast as I usually do, because I was being very careful, but at least I maintained consistency by walking most days.

So, I'm wondering, are there small things you can keep in your back pocket? Other, smaller ways you can make sure you exercise most days of the week, if you can't get to the gym? I'd love to hear what you think.

And for your writing, GOOD LUCK with the small lifestyle changes you're planning to make. May they have the effect you intend on your writing!

Please come back and let us know how things are going with you.
